MARCH 9, 2002


The Regional meeting was called to order by RE Chuck Heretta, at 10:10 AM at Holiday Inn, Elyria, Ohio.

The following clubs and officers were represented:

Alan Moore, RCD                                                                                Aurel Ouellette, Fun Center, Gov.& RMD.

Chuck Heretta, Buckeye Corvettes, RE, Gov.                                  Gary Kosier, Mound City, prxy Gov

Bob Kuty, Mahoning Valley, Gov                                                     Bob Thomsen, Corvette Cleveland, Gov
Bob Fultz, Competition, Gov.                                                            DeVaughn Rader, Pioneer Corv. Gov.

Jack Hallman, NEOVC, Gov .                                                              Dave Clements, Median, Gov.

                                                                Bob Schneider, LakeShore. Gov.

Deb Murphy, Tiretown C.C., Gov.                                                    Bob Kirsch,  EOCS,                                                                                             

First order of business was introduction of officers.


Gary Kosier made a motion to accept the secretary’s report as printed, seconded by Bob Kuty, motion carried.


Treasurer’s report was read, Bob Kuty made a motion to accept, Gary Kosier seconded.




Chairperson’s checklist handed out, is also available on website.


Reminder that same guidelines for pricing champ series events as last year, the maximum allowed to charge for an event is $12.00 low speed, concours, rally, $35.00 for high speed.   


Question was raised did we want to move around some low speed events, because in August we now have three low speed events back to back.  August 4, 18 and 25 all have a championship series event.  After some discussion it was decided there was really no place to move them to.


Bob Kirsch – Webmaster, The event calendar is out on the website.  The first 2 flyers received are on the site.  If there is any new contact information for your clubs, please let Bob know so he can correct the website.


The final points for EOCS 2001and regional are out there.  




NCCC membership report and East Ohio membership report were handed out.  Please verify your active membership list, also verify the address are correct.


9000 packets went out and 103 were undeliverable.


FCOA and Member at Large list handed out.  If there are some MAL’s in your area please contact them and see if they are interested in becoming a member of your club.


Copies of proposed membership by-laws changes were handed out also.  These changes were submitted to RE’s for the comments, revisions etc.


East Ohio membership, we now have 16 clubs, lost two clubs.  Central Buckeye and Capital City no longer exist in NCCC.  865 is the current membership, which in seventh largest in NCCC.  We are down 47 total members as of same time last year.

If anyone hears about a club that would like to join, or shows interest of some type contact Aurel and he will get information out to them.


East Ohio goal for membership in 2002 is 1040 members.  National is asking for a 10% increase per club.


The top three clubs in East Ohio are NEOVC with 121, Competition 110, Tiretown 94 members.


At the February 22, meeting in St. Louis, NCCC membership was 14,442.


There will be club membership incentive awards to be presented this year.  These will be Kuhmo tire awards, and will be given for highest percentage of increase and the highest total increase.


Applications for the Duntov award are due by the May 1st meeting in St. Louis.  If any club is interested in applying contact Aurel Ouellette and he will get information and rules to you.


Starting at the next NCCC meeting, the membership committee will start getting an MS Excel spreadsheet of membership.  Aurel would like to start downloading these and send email to each governor for their club membership list. 


Proposals for the governor meeting sites for national are due at the November meeting.


NCCC officer positions up for election are:     President, V.P Membership, Treasurer, Director of Public Relations,  Parliamentarian.


FCOA membership is currently at 1491 members, East Ohio has 107 members and Tiretown has 28 members.


Aurel had some extra Blue Bars, he asked if everyone had read the article from Linda Flock and her down under pen pal.


There was a question raised on membership by-laws changes about spouse member.  Proposed change says, the spouse or companion of any primary member may become a member upon payment of membership dues.  Such member shall be entitled to all privileges to primary membership.  A primary member may on have one spouse/secondary member at a time.  Question was asked what would become of a child dependent.  It looked like the RMD’s had really done nothing with the problem.  Chuck said the Re’s talked about what was needed to be done and what was being done.  Chuck also said they sent the proposed bylaw changes back to the RMD’s.  First they need to address the situation of significant others, then they need to address the situation of the dependent issue once they could no longer be dependents.  This is only in draft form to date.


Deb Murphy asked that they also define statement “member in good standing”, or delete from the rules.


Chuck asked for any updates on email addresses for some whose emails were coming back un-deliverable:


QWIKVETTE96@aol.com                                  Bob Kuty

Rschneider1@attbi.com                                      Bob Schneider

Thecaptjack@aol.com                                         Jack Hallman

Deb.murphy@schwab.com                                Deb Murphy

Clements4u@aol.com                                          Dave Clements

Pioneervette@wirefire.com                                DeVaughn Rader

These are not case sensitive, but my great word doc keeps capitalizing everything.




Alan has national Standing finals, Geoff Gott was in 8th place for men, in clubs Tiretown in 4th, Corvette Cleveland 8th and Northeast Ohio in 10th place.  No East Ohio women made the top 15.  He handed out packets with schedule for East Ohio region.


Central West Va. is turning over 3 speed events to the region, May 25, 2002.  If anyone wants them the flyers need to be to Alan by March 16, 2002.


Try to make your flyers nice and clear so they can be placed on the website.  Be sure to watch the size of your type also so it can be read.  Watch using color, blue and red backgrounds are hard to reproduce.


Contained in the packet also is a written rule as to what constitutes the MVP award.


One clarification, can 13 inch rotors be placed on an “E” or “G” car that did not come from the factory on that car.   Answer NO, rule states has to be correct for year, class and option


The new VP of competition is not going to keep track of points, Dale Samuelson will do this.  He is getting $200.00 a month to do this.


Sixty (60) days after an event the points that were on the results are official.  If you get results and something is wrong let Alan know immediately, after the 60 days the points will stand.


E-board asked the RCD’s to consider two things on points,  1. Consider on tracking the top 50 people in the nation.  The RCD’s said NO.  2. Only track people who ask to have their points tracked, RCD’s said NO.  They will continue as they do now and track all points.   Deb Murphy asked why they turned down tracking top 50 only.  Alan said people want to know where they stand.  Another scenario is people decide in September to run for points because they see how close they are.  They do not want to have to go back and recreate everything.   Also less than half of the regions keep track of their own points.


Any governors from last year keep your insurance packets, you will not get a new one.  However if you are a new governor this year you will receive a new insurance packet.  There was a question on what the latest waiver looked like, Alan just ordered a case of them and will see that they are available for events when needed.


The re-insurer for K&K had to find another underwriter because the one they had received a lower rating than was acceptable at some tracks.  The new underwriter has an A+U rating which is the highest you can receive.  The cost for insurance this year will remain the same, but will probably go up next year.


There was discussion about loaning sanction numbers from one club to another or to the region.  Officially there is no problem with the transfer as long as someone from the club where you borrowed is present at the event.  If the person doesn’t show up, the event did not happen.  The person must be there in person not a name on a waiver.


Alan has information on southern events for those ready to start competing.


Alan needs any proposed changes to the rulebook that you would like to see prior to the May meeting.  The RCD’s are going to start looking at these.


Reminder to governors, whenever your club has any type of event, you must check for the entrants NCCC member card.   Everybody is to present their own card, cannot bring up a card for someone else entering.  Also check for valid drivers license, NO CARD NO POINTS.


It was stated at a concourse must remain from registration through handing out of awards.  At a car show Alan is asking entrants please stay through judging.  There is nothing to enforce this, he is asking that you do this.  Chair people are to try and announce when judging will be over. 


Bob Fultz asked what happens if a person loses their NCCC card, the person should contact RMD, Aurel Ouellette.  For one time only, Alan will accept recognition by himself or governor vouches for that person.  He will accept recognition form another person also, but only one time.

Question was asked could the region come up with a set time limit for judging?  It was decided this was not feasible for a concourse, maybe a car show.  But sometimes dealers/sponsors set requirements the club must observe.  But everyone should keep judging time to a minimum.


Geoff Gott asked what was trying to be proved by showing the membership card?  It has always been in the rulebook, and the region had a problem last year.  Suggestion was made try to place a note on your NCCC flyer that NCCC membership card will be required to be shown.


NEOVC is moving EO-16, EO-17, EO-18 from June 2 to June 23, 2002 date with Mid-Ohio, Tiretown weekend.  There may be representatives from Vette Magazine in attendance.  On Sunday the “Antique Automotive Road Show” will have a camera crew there.  They will be filming a feature on Corvettes.




Jack asked in judging what about NCRS cars with over spray, the same NCCC rules apply to these cars.  Over spray from the factory cannot be counted in judging.  On the exterior can be counted but not on the engine or wheel wells.




Regional Banquet 2002:      There are 130 signed up to attend.


Chuck mentioned that at the NCCC meeting regional banquets were discussed,  East Ohio has the best attendance, most of the other regions have around 70 or less attend.


Hall of Fame:          Don Veselenak thanked his committee people, Al Etzel, Bob Kuty, Bill Quine and Mark Thurin  said how good they were to work with.  This is the 10th year so they wanted to come up with something nice.  They decided on a lapel pin, which will be given to all past honorees and that nights honorees. 


Charity:                  Car will not be ordered until around April but they do have it, they do not want it to be delivered too early.  It will come with the “B” package.  There will be $750.00 scholarships starting this year.  They are also sending the idea of considering grandchildren being allowed to apply for scholarships, this is going back to the group that reviews the applications.  The auditor recommendation that we combine the dollars, has had no determination yet.  They still do not feel comfortable combining the dollars based on past experience.




Chuck handed out an information packet, one of the items is a list of the most asked questions of K&K insurance.  Please refer to this.  Our contract ends this year and we have been told to expect a 15% to 17% increase.  This would mean we pay $53,000 to $55,000.


The bonding for the NCCC treasurer has been raised from $300,00 to $500,00, because of the amount of money in the treasury. 


The credit card for NCCC has been finalized for MBNA, and solicitations should start around May time period.


There was a NCCC member from Jackson, Mich. who received a kidney transplant.


Bob Kuty is handling the tickets for the green sheets, deadline is June 1, 2002.


NCCC is a silver level sponsor of the Transplant Games.


The deadline for scholarship deadline is May 1, 2002.


There is a tentative bid for 2004 convention from the Midwest region, Brainard, St. Cloud area.


Debbie Lindsey has been able to get $30,000 in sponsorship this year.  There was a ZIP product survey card and membership survey in your renewal packet, please fill these out and return. 


Bob Fultz had asked about placing the ZIP survey on the website, Deb Lindsey was contacted and it is now out there.


Convention 2002, 600 have signed up so far.  The rally and drags are nearly full.


Alan Morris from the West Coast region asked for $5000.00 for a cocktail party on Wednesday August 14, 2002.  This is in conjunction with a Vintage Car Show in Monterey, Calif.  He stated the NCCC does not promote itself.  It was only decided to have Corvette as feature car in the last two months.  NCRS is having their convention at this time and place also.   This was announced in the April issue of either “Vette Vues or “Corvette Fever” that the Corvette would be the marquis car. Chuck said if anyone knows anything about publication, this would have been known 4 months back.  Alan Morris made the statement he had been talking to Dick Yanko over the last year about this, but anyone Chuck talked to knew nothing about this.   The cocktail party would last about 2 hours and would only be for people that had access to that particular hotel.   Alan Morris stated he was sure he could get part of 44 clubs in western states council into National Council.  Chuck asked how many years the West Coast region had been in NCCC, answer since 1987, Chuck responded if you haven’t done it in 15 years, you are not going to accomplish it with $5000.00 and one night. It came down to a vote and they had to count 3 times to agree, the motion failed, the final figures were 128 against, 117 for.


Laurie Schaub needs all regions to start administering their own web sites by September 1, 2002.


If you have any ideas for the 2003 NCCC design on the membership card, get information to Rose Schmidt by May meeting.


Gail Dawley is doing membership input, it was the only bid received.  She gets a convention package, a weeks stay at the hotel and all of her events paid. 




The region would still like to do something in memory of Frank Andrews, this is tabled till the next meeting.  Please bring ideas and/or suggestions.  Don Veselenak has a phone number for BJ and someone will contact her and see if she has suggestions.


There is enough money in the Jeanne Kuty scholarship fund that the region does not have to adjust the budget for the $750.00 that National is going to.




Budget Committee:              Mickey presented the proposed budget for 2003.  Everyone is asked to look this over and bring any adjustments to the next meeting.  There has been an additional suggestion to increase the banquet subsidy from $500.00 to $600.00 and take the additional from the competition excess.  If possible we would like to vote at this meeting to approve or disapprove the budget.


Banquet Bids:       NEOVC was the one club to present a bid.  They bid the Hilton Garden Inn in Cleveland, March 8, 2002.  Cost will be $30.00 per person, rooms will be $75.00 a night.  NEOVC will provide the beer, there will be a Friday night party.  There is no charge for the meeting rooms.  They do have a parking garage.  Question was asked would the parking garage handle high top vans?  Jack will check into this.


The 2003 banquet site was voted on and approved  

Deb Murphy had brought up at the last meeting about maybe the region doing something for the 2003 Corvette Caravan when it passes through the area.  The region was in favor of this and Deb was asked if she would contact Bud Rainsberger about East Ohio doing something.  Deb agreed to handle this.  Maybe if someone already has a plan we could add to and support it.


You can go to www.nationalcorvettecaravan.com and see what groups are coming and from where.


There is also a GM website,  www.corvette50th.com.


At the last national meeting in St. Louis there were only 4 East Ohio governors present, Chuck would like to see this improve.  He is asking for feedback on what it would take to get more governors there.  He said maybe if dollars were a concern the East Ohio region could possibly subsidize somehow.  All governors were asked to go back to their clubs and see if there is anyway the clubs can reimburse governors so they can attend.  Denny Murphy said he will work with Poncho of NEOVC and use the three events given to the region to get dollars to help subsidize one governor to St. Louis meeting.  The cost is roughly $200.00 a weekend.  Discuss ideas and cost with your club members and bring suggestions to next meeting.  We need to get our governors there. 


Aurel Ouellette offered the return of his $50.00 per meeting reimbursement if it would help.  Chuck said keep for now as the region does have dollars, and could get some.


Bob Kuty asked if anything has been done about Bill Wood’s suggestion of looking into doing something at Mountaineer Park.  Nothing has transpired on this yet.


Denny Murphy said he has done a drivers school the last two years, it is very informal.  This years will be April 27, 2002 at Firestone.  He will help in ways like letting you know about air pressure in your tire, the handling of  your car etc.  Several people has really enjoyed this, please get this information back to your club members.  They are going to start with the flyer, show you how to fill out registration.  They will have rulebooks there you can ask questions on.  Explain why sign waivers and some other stuff.  There will be open track time. 


Dave Clements asked if the regional members name and their numbers can be placed on the website so they could just be cut and pasted to a results sheet?    This information is not available yet, maybe in another year.  If at an event the registration form handed back to you is not legible hand it back and ask they make legible.  You can also use the pre-registration form and have all ready except for signature.


Chuck is in the process of getting bids for regional patch that is downsized.


Chuck adjourned the meeting at 1:00 PM.


                                                                                                                                Respectively submitted





                                                                                                                                Mickey Ouellette






Congratulations to Bill Quine, Deb Murphy and Aurel Ouellette for being inducted into East Ohio Hall of Fame.