March 11, 2000
The Regional meeting was called to order by RE Norb Huner at
10:30 AM at Radisson Harbour Inn in
Sandusky, Ohio.
The following clubs and officers were represented:
Aurel Ouellette, Fun Center, Gov., RMD Norb
Huner, RE
Alan Moore, Tiretown Corv. , Gov., RCD Chuck Heretta, Buckeye Corvettes, Gov.
Patrick Lally, Northeast OhioVettes, prxy Gov. Bob Fultz, Competition Corv, Gov
Clarence Brown, Medina, , Gov. Al Etzel, Corvette Cleve, Gov
Bea Webb LakeShore, Gov Elaine Heretta, EOCS
Barb Wilson, Central Buckeye, Gov. Prxy
Motion was made by Dick Downs to accept minutes as printed, seconded by Chuck Heretta, motion was carried.
The treasurer’s report was read and approved. Motion to accept by Al Etzel seconded by Aurel Ouellette.
Handouts were given NCCC membership report, East Ohio regional report, active club membership report, past club members and FCOA membership report.
Aurel thanked Norb for all the help in preparing the renewals and getting them in on time.
NCCC meeting was held February 25, 2000 at that time NCCC membership was 13,341. This is down 1584 from 1999, but there was still 180 renewals to process. The NCCC goal for 2000 is 16,000. This is about a 7.8% increase over last year.
As of East Ohio Regional meeting date March 11, 2000, the region had 863 members, this is only 38 below 1999 year end. But we lost 139 members that did not renew from last year. Clubs are asked to make attempt to get these people back into the local club, maybe they were out of town or too busy to attend meeting to renew.
NCCC Future Corvette Owners , (FCOA) is at 1051 members, the East Ohio Region FCOA membership is 79. Corvette Cleveland has the most in the region with 21. For only a one time fee of $5.00 you can sign up you child, grandchild, niece or nephew, they must be under 16 years of age. The relative does not have to live in the same state the sponsor lives in.
Question was asked was this FCOA mailing list passed out to anyone. NO, this is a separate mailing list from NCCC and Pat Kelly gives the list to no one. A reminder at this time if you move you must send in a separate change of address to Pat Kelly for the FCOA member, as she does not get the information given to NCCC membership on change of addresses.
Everyone should have received their renewal packets by now, if not, let Aurel or governor know as soon as possible. The renewal packets are sent third class and are not forwarded, deliveries are generally at the discretion of the postal carrier as to when they are delivered. A motion was brought up on the floor at the governors meeting to have the renewal packets sent first class, the vote has been tabled till the finance committee can review the impact on the budget. A question was brought up has anyone looked into sending these via e-mail. One of the answers was because of the perks in the package they could not do away with. At the NCCC meeting the RMD’s , RE’s and RCD’s were polled and the consensus was leave the items out of the perk pack. The NCCC committee felt if they sent nothing to the membership they would get upset and not rejoin. People feel they need something for free.
NCCC officers up for election this year are: President, VP Membership, Treasurer, Public Relations and Parliamentarian. If you or anyone in your club is interested in any of these positions contact Aurel Ouellette, he has job descriptions and nomination forms.
Reminders: Be sure to mail in your coupon for rulebook update and note you would like a copy of the by-laws also. Also send in your coupon if you want your name removed from NCCC mailing list when they give it out.
Spouse members and primary members must show the same address. New members do not become official until the RMD receives the application with a club check attached.
If you need room reservation forms in Louisville, contact Aurel.
At the NCCC meeting in Louisville, the meetings for the RCD’s have a new start time, 7:00 PM. You may attend these meetings if you would like, you will be asked to sit around the edge of the room and to please be quiet. If you have something you would like to bring up, give the information to your RCD.
First place club was Cornhuskers with a new record in points of 24936, next Tiretown Corvette Club with 19,035. First place women in nation Joan Thomas 2512, men first place in nation Martin Workman 2738.
Alan had requested all sanction request be in by January 5, 2000, he is still waiting for some. NCCC made a new sanction form and they forgot to include events 5,6 7.
Please report any accident at any type of event to K&K, no matter how minor. Some accidents can come to court years later so they want a report in just in case.
One clarification on an L88, could they use a superceded head, answer no because heads are still available at flea market so person will have to scour them to find one.
High speed license you have is good through 2003, then you will have to get a new one no matter how much you race. To qualify you will have to have completed one high speed event during that time or ran the required ten (10) low speeds in the eighteen (18) months prior to applying for it. (high speed license).
Last year half the people putting on events never sent results to entrants, it is the governors responsibility to see these get mailed not the RCD’s.
On waivers, it has come down to the statement “if a wheel turns get a signature”. This is mainly to protect organization. It is understood at a public car show it is not feasible to get everyone’s signature, only the entrants are required. This is for sanctioned and non-sanctioned.
Lakewood now has a scatter shield for the new LS7, if running an event where required you will have to get one.
Rule book covers available in next week or two will be seven dollars apiece. Alan would like to acquire four or five rulebooks, that the region pays for and he can sell to people as needed. No objections were made, but would be without covers. No motion was made for this, Alan will check into cost.
At convention this year if you cannot decide about coming or running an event, you can decide on that day to run the event. It will be double the cost of the event and the price of a day pass if you don’t have a convention pass.
Alan has not had time to set up a judging school, he is going to talk to Mark Thurin about being at his car show and give a judging school. There will be no cars in primer in concours, unless car came in primer. No cars with body damage in concours and car must look like it is prepared for concours.
Has there be any good source located for helmets at a good price to meet 2000 requirement, Lane helmets is working on
a deal with NCCC.
Question asked again about cars in primer, must be able to prove that car came in primer by documentation.
Seat belts are also changed in the new rulebook. Aftermarket seatbelts now have a date rule and will have to be replaced by that date. On street cars these belts are not dated so could not tell when they should be replaced. This is for drivers side only, at this time does not include passenger side at this time.
John Gambatese asked for a for a “clarification on a car that has been previously damaged, and it was very shoddily repaired, it is very obvious there is a mix/match of paint. Alan Moore, “It has no place in a Concours. In a Concours. OK.. John Gambatese, “That answers my question”. Norb Huner, “Even in a Wash & Show Class?” Alan Moore “No, I say in a Concours, the reason I say in a Concours, Concours Prepared, Concours people.” John Gambatese, “OK, you didn’t say, Let’s clarify that, you say Concours I was talking the whole show”. Someone else “yeah”. Alan Moore “That’s right, and that’s only in answer to his question.” John Gambatese “So I should have been more specific in saying Wash & Show, Street & Show, Modified.” Alan Moore “Well, No, and I’ll kind of get into that, I’ll mention that. If a car has been repaired and actually somebody has taken the time to try to repair it, if it’s entered into Wash & Show or Street & Show you got to be more lenient. These are the things we’re gonna get into when we do the drivers school. A Concours car if it shows damage, it was not properly prepared to enter a Concours.” Norb asked “But what about a car, say an RP class, that raced on Saturday, and it entered in a Concours on Sunday, on Saturday suffers some damage. Obviously, inadequate time to get the car repaired between Saturday and Sunday.” Alan Moore “in that”……….. Norb “The damage should count against it in the judging, but it shouldn’t disqualify it.” In actuality the rulebook has no place to give that an exception, but we’re gonna as RCD’s as governors, we’re gonna be lenient.” Norb “It a real race car as compared to a pseudo race car.” Alan Moore “But if you wrecked the car six months ago and you still trying to bring it in, and I’m not trying to pick on anybody.” Someone “Yes you are” Alan Moore “Elaine’s up here laughing. You know let’s face it if that damage is a year old, two years old then it really has no place in a Concours. That being any class. You know the car is suppose to, …..the idea of a Concours, is to have prime examples of vehicles there. So you have to, you know we have to judge that on individual basis. We’ll handle that….. at the drivers schools, judging schools.” Elaine you can’t judge that on a individual basis, you have a blanket rule or you forget it.” Alan Moore “Nah, I disagree with you there, because just like….. Norb says, we’re having a weekend and it’s a whole conglomeration of things ……………etc. If somebody comes to one of these events and on Saturday they nail a wall, that’s kind of #%#%#%, if you say huh you can’t enter the Concours anymore, you can’t enter the car show. And I’m not saying that yeah, if the whole nose is gone off of it then “No” you’re not going to enter, but if its got a couple of cracks in it I’m not going to tell the guy to go home. You gotta be a little flexible.”……………………………”Norb Huner, “Basically, ………at this point the judges are going to pick the best car .” …………………………….”Clarence Brown, “Who’s going to determine that?” Alan Moore “Me”. John, “ I mean at the show.” Alan “The chairman.” ………………………………………………………….”Alan Moore ……………..“I will be at every Concours and I will hold a judging school in the morning. ……………………………………………”
Alan “…….You (governor) have the authority over your chairman and I have the authority over you as governor and as me being RCD. And I want to get you guys as governor up to speed to what we want to do and all.” Norb “ Rather than belabor this, the rule book is pretty ……clear. Read the rulebook. ………………… ”
Street and Show cars will have to show a log book this year.
Norb made a comment that we should not get too hung up on all the technical stuff, we will start driving people away. The clubs that are growing the most in the region are the social clubs not the competitive ones. The rulebook is the final decider.
Group III must use seat belt and shoulder harness at least 3 inches wide, all belts must be at least 3 inches wide. Read new rulebook under seatbelt, must be dated in last five years. Alan thought was for all groups but this could not be found, Norb asked he check into and get back to governors.
Elaine handed out new 2000 rules and went over the new ones.
The first three events will be in April.
Elaine did not hand out a separate EOCS schedule because it is noted for you on the schedule of events for the region. The ones with an asterisk are Championship Series.
Alan said the rulebook was changed and only group III has to change driver's belt every five years.
NCCC budget standing balance was discussed. This reflects a significant growth in membership. The budget also reflects an increase in mileage reimbursement from 31.0 to 32.5 cents per mile.
He reiterated that Jay Freeman made a motion at the NCCC meeting to mail renewal packets by first class mail. This will be voted on at the May governors meeting, after the finance committee reviews it. Norb thinks the finance committee will not allow this because it is not in the budget. Anyone not attending the May governors meeting please pass your thoughts onto Norb so he can vote what the region wants.
Larry Narwold can still get KEY EVENTS listed in major publications. Requirement of Key Events is single/multiple event(s) or a total weekend that would normally draw a minimum of 50 Corvettes. This can be a sanctioned or non-sanctioned, does not have to be an all Corvette show. He needs at least a four-(4) month lead. Larry is also looking for new photographs for the NCCC display. If you have a photo and would like to share get them to Larry. You may want to consider making a copy because sometimes photos may not be returned.
Anheuser-Busch has a “57” Corvette beer stein for sale at $49.00 plus tax, and shipping and handling. If interested contact Don Adams at Central City Produce (270)-754-1992.
National Kidney Foundation Transplant games will be in Disney World, June 21-24, 2000. NCCC is a gold level sponsor this year, which should give them a higher level of exposure. The 100% club recognition for purchasing NCCC/NKF raffle tickets is going on again this year. Corvette Cleveland was the first club to turn in 100% this year and Buckeye Corvettes was the second. Norb has challenged the rest of the clubs in the East Ohio Region to become 100% and make East Ohio the first 100% region.
For this years convention the NCCC Charity/Grants committee is asking for donations for the $1.00 raffle. They normally purchase the items from the fund. This would save money for them.
There is a “green sheet” in your renewal packet to purchase 5 raffle tickets for $25.00, this is half of the going rate. Remember the green sheet ticket do not count as part of the 100%. If you only received one sheet and have a spouse or significant other who should have received one, or lost your copy. you can make a copy and it will be accepted.
The newsletter contest is underway and has twenty-one (21) clubs participating in it. They have been asked to include more NCCC information in their newsletters.
Any By-laws change requests or recommendations must be submitted no later than the July meeting, preferable the May meeting. They should be submitted to a By-laws committee member, who are: Roger Thomas, Jay Hommer, Frank Cummings and Norb Huner.
The governors should have received the By-laws and Standing Rules changes. If you have not mailed in your copy to request your rulebook yet, make a notation on your sheet you would like a copy of By-laws also.
The Regional Executive of regions having By-laws, that are willing to share them, were asked to bring copies to the May meeting. This will help regions needing to revise or develop by-laws get started.
Since its inception in 1998, the NCCC website has had 23,400 hits, averaging around 2000 hits a month. Laurie Schwab is the site master and does an excellent job. The site is kept continually fresh and full of new material.
Nancy Sable will not longer be doing the data processing work for NCCC. The NCCC executive board is requesting bids. The budget for this is $6,000 per year.
Norb thanked LakeShore Corvettes for hosting the banquet this year.
Committee Reports:
Hall of Fame Committee: East Ohio governors were accused of not opening their packet from RE to get Hall of Fame voting ballot. After some discussion it was decided a nomination form was in the packet not the ballot. Most governors know the nomination form was in the packet. No ballots were distributed and Norb stated per Roberts Rules of Order if you do not have a ballot no vote can be taken. No one was inducted into the Hall of Fame for year 2000.
Charity Committee: Mickey stated donations of crafts are always welcome and needed..
NCCC Scholarship Committee has added Pat Mitchell of East Ohio Region to their committee for judging.
Clarence Brown asked about the $250.00 that was donated to a family in need, how is this decided? It was explained that this is the standard allocation. The Charity committee is broke down into three separate funds, the NKF, the Scholarship and the Disaster.
The review of 2000 East Ohio budget. After some discussion Dick Downs made a motion to accept 2000 budget, Clarence Brown seconded, motion carried. Norb asked for a finance committee to be set up, he volunteered to be on the committee, Dick Downs and Bill Quine volunteered, Norb asked Mickey Ouellette if she would be on committee
also, she agreed.
The region could not come up with a copy of by-laws, so Norb appointed a committee of volunteers, they are: Al Etzel, Chuck Heretta, Mickey Ouellette and Aurel Ouellette. Norb will get models for committee to use, he would like to have it ready to vote on by December meeting. Norb will be an ex-official member of committee.
2001 Regional banquet bids were asked for, Competition stepped forward and said they would submit a bid at the next meeting.
Regional patches supply is getting low, question was asked should we re-order? Question was asked, of the 900 handed, out how many have you seen? Comments, not many. Chuck Heretta asked to table until budget committee can look at feasibility, seconded by Aurel, motion carried.
Norb brought an idea from Chuck Heretta about loading a spreadsheet, for results, that could be downloaded from the East Ohio region website. Tiretown has a form setup that they will E-mail to you. Norb said bring it back to Chuck’s question can it be placed on the web site. Everyone would have to have the same type of form i.e. Excel, or something else. Chuck thought clubs could save money doing this instead of mailing results out. It would require standardization for everyone, and everyone have access to it. This would entail the region buying it for everyone or somehow getting it to everyone. But that would not mean everyone’s computer could do it. Suggestion was made maybe Bob Kirsch could look into it, or someone else good at programs, to see if it is feasible.
Another suggestion made by Chuck, was the practicality of the East Ohio Region buying regional equipment, such as timing systems, radio equipment etc. Dick Downs thought this was a good idea but if it is going to be done by the region for the region, the clubs should participate in the cost. There was agreement to this. Geoff Gott said Mike Gotfried of Michigan was working on a timing system. Tiretown is looking into this. Competition has tested several timing systems and they are either too complicated or too costly. Clarence Brown asked who is going to keep the equipment? Alan said this was discussed, and the number one problem brought up was someone would always be going to get it from wherever the last event was. Norb asked Bob Fultz to get with John Taube and check into price and feasibility.
A member of the region asked that the point standings be issued on a more regular basis this year. Alan said he did get them out, governors said they did not see enough, Elaine said there was only two sent out. Members were asking for them.
Bea Webb gave an update on the banquet for that night, 118 coming to banquet. One person the day before had asked for their money back, but the count had already been turned in to the Radisson. The will be two (2) new cars on display in the banquet room.
Bill Quine announced that Aaron’s RP car is for sale.
Elaine asked what other clubs are doing with FCOA members as they turn 16, especially if the club does not allow person to join unless are 18. It was decided per the rulebook they can join as a dependent MAL.
Elaine volunteered to take over selling Hall of Fame tickets during the regional meetings.
Dick Downs made a motion to adjourn, Aurel seconded, motion carried.
Respectively submitted
Mickey Ouellette