December 20, 2003


The Regional meeting was called to order by RE Chuck Heretta, at 9:33 AM at Esber’s in Canton, Ohio.
The following clubs and officers were represented:

Aurel Ouellette, Fun Center, RMD, Gov. Paul Webb, Blennerhasset, Gov
Alan Moore, Tiretown Corv., RCD, David Comparette, Lakeshore Corv. prxy Gov.
Bob Kirsch, NEOVC, EOCS, prxy Gov.   Diana Fultz, Competition Corv, prxy Gov
Chuck Heretta,  Buckeye Corvette, RE, Gov. Bob Kuty, Mahoning Valley, Gov.
Rich Brooks, Medina, , Gov.   Bob Thomsen, Corvette Cleve, Gov,
Bill Quine, Tiretown, Gov.   Bryce Goodwin , Pioneer Corv. Asso. Gov
Gary Perkins, Mound City, Gov.   

Head table introduced then went around room and had governors introduce themselves.


Motion was made by Bob Kuty to accept minutes as printed, seconded by Gary Perkins , motion was carried.


The treasurer’s report was read and accepted. Motion to accept by Bob Kuty, seconded by Rich Brooks.


Charity and Grants:  Mickey reported that audit was completed and everything was ok.  Auditor did suggest again that charity committee should combine everything i.e. raffle car and Kidney foundation, charity committee decided this was not beneficial for National Council.


Calendar dates for 2004:


National Council Meetings St. Louis East Ohio Regional Meetings
February 28 & 29, 2004  March 6, 2004 Holiday Inn, New Philadelphia
May 8 & 9, 2004       May 22, 2004 Esber’s, Canton
June 5 – 13, 2004 Conv. Las Vegas     July 31, 2004  Esber’s, Canton
September 11& 12, 2004       September 18, 2004 Esber’s, Canton
November 13 & 14, 2004      December 4, 2004 Esber’s, Canton

Bidding was now conducted.  Chuck Heretta was proxy bidding for Canton Corvette Club, Central West Virginia Corvette Club and Corvette Club of West Virginia.  Aurel Ouellette was proxy bidding for Kanawha Valley Corvette Club.



Sanction requests are due to Alan Moore by January 25, 2004.


There will be a coupon in your membership perk-pack to request a new rulebook.  There is a deadline on this coupon if you don’t order by this time you will have to pay for the rulebook.


Clarifications:   In Group I and IS is the Targa-Truss anti flex bar legal?     This was decided “NO” by one vote.


Next clarification, Group II, if the air pump is removed on “84” through “96” can the air pump bracket and pulley be replaced by after market unit to still utilize serpentine belt.  Rulebook is very specific that any replacement of parts has to be by stock parts.  Decision was NO, by 9 to 6 vote.


Third clarification, if the air conditioning compressor is removed can the air conditioner bracket and pulley be replaced by after market bracket and pulley.  Answer “No”

Question: Can the above pieces be fabricated instead of aftermarket? NO, per rulebook must be stock. 

Can a shorter serpentine belt be put in place?  No.


Corvette Cleveland presented a Driving School proposal to National Council to be considered for use as “High Speed” qualification.  AL Etzel explained parts of the proposal.  Earl and Dean Daugherty would lead the instruction.  There were a few things that National Council wanted cleared up, these have been taken care of.  Al is looking for qualified, high speed certified drivers to help with the instruction.  If you attend and pass this school you will be qualified to run the high-speed event on Monday at Nelson ledges.


Copies of regional points were available.  You can have a hard copy or a CD copy.  The top five (5) men from first to fifth are: Chuck Heretta, Phil Dobransky, Scott Bestor, Bob Kuty, and Chuck Stevens.  Top five (5) women from first to fifth are: Elaine Heretta, Megan Etzel, Donna Williams, Linda Davies, and Melanie Gruhn.


Team 200, will have choices this year as to what they would like.  The governors asked to please get this information back to Alan Moore by January 22, 2004 so they can have enough time to order what is requested. 


National points are available for anyone who would like a copy.


Tiretown is trying to break the point’s record for National Council, they are well on their way with 24,100 points.


Only one person applied for the position of “points tracker”.  (Gail Moore)


Trophies and expenses for competition were discussed.  Bob Kuty made a motion to move $560.00 from Special Purpose fund to competition fund, also to move dollars in the convention tours to the banquet fund.  Seconded by Paul Webb, motion carried.



Results were handed out.  Contact Bob Kirsch for a complete copy or check the East Ohio web site.


The proposed changes discussed at the last meeting were passed.  When we eliminated the overall club award some wording needed cleaning up, Bob cleaned up this wording.


Section 2C flyers, on multiple event dates, you must identify on flyer in a visible place which event is East Ohio Championship Series.


Corrected flyers must be mailed to all governors, Bob requested that we add “and to EOCS director”.  Also he needs notified of corrected results and additional fees need mailed to him.


Only individuals who qualify for overall will be listed on the overall report. 


Bob Kuty made a motion to pass, Aurel Ouellette seconded, all passed. (see attached copy of EOCS rule changes).


Bidding followed.


Webmaster:  Bob Kirsch received final competition results from Alan Moore day of meeting.  He will get these posted to the East Ohio website.


Banquet flyer will be posted to the website, also nomination form for the East Ohio Hall of Fame.


You will be able to down load these if you need to.


As soon as he receives the schedule from Alan Moore for next year’s events he will update the calendar



Membership reports for East Ohio region, NCCC, FCOA and Members at large were handed out.


Club governors are asked to please look at the member’s at large list and invite them to your events and club meetings.


East Ohio membership is at 940 as of December meeting.  Top club in region for membership is Tiretown with 128, NEOVC is right behind with 126 members.


Renewals went fairly well this year.  Please remember to keep in mind that if a person is listed as a spouse member and the primary member does not rejoin the spouse member must become a primary member or no longer be carried as a spouse member.  It occasionally happens that he gets a spouse member with no primary member NCCC will not accept this.


Aurel is implementing a new change this year.  When a member transfers from one club to another he or she will be required to have their signature on the application.  This will eliminate some confusion and mis-understanding.


Question was asked about Members-at-large joining a local club, do they get a club number or keep MAL.  They would be issued a number from the club, which they are joining. 


Any member joining from September 1 will be renewed for the following year.  Do not cross them off your list if they joined your club after August 31.


Aurel will send out bills to the clubs about the middle of the year for people joining after December report to middle of year, then another about end of year.


National has 18206 members as of November meeting and 291 clubs.  This is an all time membership high.


Question asked were we getting a lot of growth from West Coast, per Aurel we are getting a major growth in membership from the West and East Coast regions both.


$150.00 was approved for RMD for travel reimbursement only.  Bob Kuty said he would like to see Aurel at his clubs' big event this year.  Aurel asked for governors to let him know what big events he would like for him to attend.  He is also planning on attending non NCCC events to try and increase membership.


Site proposal bids for years 2007, 2008 and 2009 will be due at the November 4, 2004 meeting.   The sites will be voted on at the May 2005 meeting.  Chuck Heretta asked if there was a criteria list available for the bidding of these sites.  Aurel will check and get a copy.


50th Anniversary medallions were given out to the clubs in the region, each club received two (2).  There were several left over and Aurel asked for suggestions on how to handle distributing the rest.  Several suggestions were made.  Elaine Heretta made a motion the top five men and women in the region each get one and the rest be raffled off at banquet.  Bob Kuty seconded, motion carried.


The new NCCC officers are: VP-Competition – Mike Godfrey, Business Manager – Hal Bellamy, Sgt-at-Arms –Judy Yanko, Secretary – Carolyn Montgomery.         


Lifetime members will be getting new card in membership renewal packet.


Scholarship applications will be due by March 1, 2004, recipients will be announced at Las Vegas convention.


Sylvia Hoaldridge is looking for articles and pictures for the Blue Bars.


Duntov award applications are due by the May meeting to the membership committee.


FCOA has 1806 members, Corvette Cleveland has 38 members here.  Be sure to let Pat Kelly know when the FCOA member has a change of address.  Send to FCOAKIDS@aol.com.


Video Journal is a new magazine coming out, you can get this on DVD also.  Website is www.corvettevideojournal.com


Hall of Fame:  Five (5) people from last year will automatically be eligible.  Forms need to be filled out for this year if you have someone to nominate.  Two people will be inducted.



By-laws and operating procedures were passed with the exception of moving the membership renewal date from December 15 to November 15 each year.  This would have allowed the distribution center to get mailings out before Christmas holidays.  The other thing that did not pass was the dues increase.  They had about a 45 minute discussion at NCCC about this.  Chuck said he got up at meeting and said in 1989 you got a dues increase then went out and spent it all immediately.  Chuck then made a motion for a $5.00 dues increase to be put into effect for 2005.  This was tabled and will be brought up at February 2004, meeting.


Chuck said he was criticized for having East Ohio meetings to early after NCCC meeting, but this allowed everyone ample time to get information and make their own decision before voting. 


For the 2004 Las Vegas convention you will have to make you own hotel reservations.  The convention hotel is the Stardust but if you can find better rates or get a better package you can make reservations there.   The price for Stardust Sunday-Thursday is $55.00, Friday and Saturday the cost is $85.00, there is a nine percent sales tax. 


Chuck is checking into air flight packages.  Out of Akron-Canton airport is about $200.00 right now.  He is also looking at transporting Corvettes for those that want to fly and then pick up their cars.


Chuck has been in contact with people out of Midwest region about bidding Chicago for the NCCC meeting site for 2007, 2008 and 2009.


Chuck voted against extending the budget, he voted to approve the budget.  He voted to approve the budget.  He voted against the $10.00 dues increase and then made a motion for $5.00 increase.




Hall of Fame will have a meeting after regional meeting December 20, 2003.  They are looking to lower percentage of votes needed from 80% to 70%.  This will help balance things out and make it easier for counting votes when several names are on ballot.


Banquet 2004, flyers were handed out at meeting.  The banquet is be hosted by Buckeye Corvettes, at Holiday Inn, New Philadelphia.  This is exit 81 off I77.    Map is on the flyer.  (Thank you Bob Kirsch)


Regional meeting from 9:30 to 12:30 Saturday.  Cash bar will open at 5:00pm, dinner starting 6:00pm.


Room rate is $64.00 per night plus tax; tax is seven percent (7percent).  If you stay two nights the room rate is $55.00 per night.  Breakfast is included for a single or a double night stay.  Banquet reservations need to be to Donna Williams by February 21, 2004.  There is a menu option on the bottom of form.  If 55 room nights are booked for the weekend some cost can be reduced. 


Please bring door prizes and something for hospitality room if possible.  Same as we have done in the past.




Update on timing program and communicators presented by Bob Thomsen.  First thing he presented was communicators.  Bob and Chuck have checked out Motorola communicators and they will go for at least half a mile without a problem.  So far two have been purchased, totaling about $65.00.  A total of eight will be needed in all.



Bob Thomsen presented two timing programs he has been looking at for the region.  One is from XCELL the other is Checkered Flag.  He recommended the Checkered Flag.  It will print the tags that need posted, and also do the results.  It allows for DNF, re-runs, pylons and more than one car at a time.   Bob was asked to check and make sure the program will work with updated technology.  Bob will check this out before purchasing, it needs to work with Windows 2000.  Bob said there was no problem it would work with this.  The cost is $500.00.  Bob Thomsen made a motion to buy the Checkered Flag program Bob Kuty seconded, motion passed.  


The system will require a laptop and a printer also.  Paul and Linda Webb donated a Compaq printer to the region.  Thank You Paul and Linda.


Regional Executive appointments for 2004are:  Competition points keeper Gail Moore. Secretary/Treasurer Mickey Ouellette. Hall of Fame committee, Don Veselenak, Al Etzel, Bob Kuty, Bill Quine, Mark Thurin.  Budget committee, Mickey Ouellette, Bill Quine, Bob Schneider,  Bob Thomsen.  Aurel Ouellette made a motion to accept appointments Bob Kuty seconded, motion passed.


We need regional banquet bids for 2005.  We should have this by March meeting because you will need this time to get everything ready.  Guidelines are available, they are on website or you can contact Chuck Heretta or Mickey Ouellette.


Please promote the driving school in your clubs. 


Reminders:     We need qualified drivers to help with driving school.

                  Sanction request forms to Alan by January 25, 2004

                  Regional banquet forms are to be mailed to Donna Williams

                  Governor travel reimbursement dollars are still available to attend NCCC meeting.

                  Be sure to book your room in St. Louis early they do get full on our meeting dates.


Round table:   Mickey suggested we need timing committee guidelines so the club running the event will know who has what responsibilities.  This way there will be no mis-understanding as to who runs the event and what those operating the timers are responsible for.  Drivers need to know where they DNF at and what their times are in a timely manner.


Diana Fultz asked if there was anything finalized on the permanent numbers for the region yet.  The region is going to go with assigned number next year.  Governors are asked to go back to clubs and see what numbers the club member wants.  In event of two people wanting the same number, how you finished in the region will determine who gets the number.  


Static cling numbers are being investigated, Alan will have more information at banquet meeting.


Meeting was adjourned at 2:00pm.


                                                                        Respective submitted 



                                                                        Mickey Ouellette
