December 7, 2002



The Regional meeting was called to order by RE Chuck Heretta, at 9:45 AM at Esber’s in Canton, Ohio.
The following clubs and officers were represented:

Aurel Ouellette, Fun Center, RMD, Gov.                                         Rogers C. Stevens, CWVA, Gov.

Alan Moore, Tiretown Corv., RCD, .                                                Mark Thurin, Canton Corv., Gov.

Bob Kirsch, NEOVC, EOCS, Gov.                                                      Dick Downs, Competition Corv, Gov

Chuck Heretta,  Buckeye Corvette, RE, Gov.                                   Bob Kuty, Mahoning Valley, Gov.

Rich Brooks, Medina, , Gov.                                                              Bob Thomsen, Corvette Cleve, Gov,

Deb Murphy, Tiretown, Gov.                                                             DeVaughn Rader , Pioneer Corv. Asso. Gov

William Wood, Kanawha Valley, Gov.                                             Gary Perkins, Mound City, Gov.

Paul Webb, Blennerhasset, Gov.                                                       Bob Schneider, Lakeshore Corv. Gov.




Motion was made by Bob Kuty to accept minutes as printed, seconded by Mark Thurin, motion was carried.


The treasurer’s report was read and accepted. Motion to accept by Rich Brooks, seconded by Mark Thurin.


Chuck explained how meeting would proceed for the day.


Meeting dates for the East Ohio region were set.


East Ohio meeting dates:                                                                    NCCC meeting dates:


March 8, 2003  Hilton Garden Inn, Cleveland                                  February 28, March 1&2, 2003 St. Louis

May 10, 2003 Esber’s in Canton                                                        May 2, 3 & 4, 2003 St. Louis

August 23, 2003 Esber’s in Canton                                                   August 15 – 21, 2003 Convention

September 27, 2003 Esber’s in Canton                                              September 12, 13 & 14 2003 St. Louis

December 6, 2003 Esber’s in Canton                                                 November 7, 8 & 9, 2003. St. Louis




Year end results were mailed to all governors in November.  These are on the website also.  Overall Club was Corvette Cleveland.  Overall rally Corvette Cleveland, Overall concourse NEOVC, overall speed Corvette Cleveland. 


Next year Bob will not accept any handwritten results they will have to be computer generated or typed.  Also nothing can be handwritten on the flyer except the map.  Make sure to put the site address on the flyer.


Championship series proposals were discussed next.  First proposal was to “Eliminate Overall Club portion from Championship Series” second was “Eliminate all Overall club awards, speed, rally, concours” just do individual awards.  Vote was taken on first one it passed, the second proposal failed.  We will eliminate overall club for championship series.


Webmaster: Bob Kirsch


Results are posted on the website.


51% sheet is on the website it made it easier for some governors to get membership done this year. 


Bob Kirsch will put Hall of Fame nomination form on website sometime this year.  He will also try to put a sample flyer on the website also.




All governors should have received a copy of East Ohio region membership report, NCCC membership report and FCOA membership report.


Current East Ohio membership is at 948, down about 88 from this time 2001.  We ended up short 92 members of our goal of 1040 for NCCC.


Aurel is still working with East River Mountain Corvette Owners Group in Bluefield, WV, and another group in the Huntington, WV area.


NCCC membership is at 17317, about 900+ more than last year.


33 clubs and 2 regions qualified for the Kumho tire incentive award, they had the drawing at the NCCC governors meeting and Southern Arizona Corvettes won the tires.


Regional membership incentive awards were given out at the meeting, if a region gained 100 or more members the RMD was given a jacket, if they gained membership but less than 100 were given a shirt.


As for the MBNA credit card there have been 110 issued as of the meeting and only 89 were active.  NCCC receives $30.00 for each person who signs  up and used the credit card just once.


NCCC officer election results:                            President:                                              Roger Mitchell

                                                                                VP-Membership                                   Gail Dawley

                                                                                Treasurer                                               Jay Hommer

                                                                                Director of Public Relations               Jerry Limpach

                                                                                Parliamentarian                                     Roger Thomas


Renewal packets and membership were due at this meeting.


The Duntov committee needs to review and update the information, so that is simpler for club to understand and be able to apply for.


Membership committee is looking at a discount for Primary and Spouse that become lifetime members.  Because the by-laws passed spouse/companion can be a lifetime member.


They are still discussing a mechanized data base for membership.


If you would like a listing of club membership you need to provide an email address to Aurel he will only be getting the list via a compact disc now.


Aurel has applications if you want to apply for the 50th anniversary car show in Nashville, it will be limited to 250 NCCC cars.


FCOA membership is at 1595, East Ohio region has 122 members 6th  in the nation.  Be sure to send change of address separately to FCOA webmaster.  Send to FCOAKIDS@aol.com.


Contact Aurel if you need reservation forms for hotel in St. Louis.


No RMD’s were sent any extra Blue Bars, there were no spares at this printing, there were so many members the complete printing was mailed to all members.  Some Tiretown club members received their Blue Bars in very bad shape and some only received the cover.  If you have any extra Blue Bars for the last issue please contact Aurel Ouellette so he can get to some of those members.  Question was asked why they could not put plastic wrapper around magazine.  The cost would be too much.


Question was asked how do you convince people to stay with National Council.  Various ideas were discussed but this seems to be a problem all over the country.




Bidding was done first.


Sanction request must be into Alan Moore by January 15, and sanction fees must be to Mickey by then, $20.00 per event.  Alan reviewed how bidding would proceed.   Followed by Championship Series bids then competition report given.


Flyers and Results: 


Handed out packet to everyone and one of the things included was up to date list of club champion over past years.


Jim Adrien wants things on time and will not accept anything handwritten on flyer or results.  He will be sending stuff back to Alan if he cannot read it.  Last year Alan re-typed some flyers and results, he will not do it this coming year.  The clock will continue to run even if flyers and results are returned so please get them in to Alan in a timely manner.


Sanction request needed by January 15, 2003, if you need to make a change it must be done 70 days prior to an event.  If you need to cancel an event contact Alan immediately, and you will still need to have someone at the event site to let any entrant know who shows up that the event is cancelled.  Flyers must be postmarked 50 days prior to event, results must be postmarked 15 days after event.  If late to VP competition it is difficult for Alan to get VP of Competition to accept.  Only need to send one copy of flyer to Alan, please send flat copy not folded.  If Championship series must provide Bob Kirsch a copy of flyer and results.  Flyers and results must be on 8 ½ X 11 sheet.  Cannot use half size and place two on one flyer.  Maps, be sure to place address including state, and major cities and roads on map.


The only change accepted inside the 70 day requirement is a location change, if want to change type of event inside the 70 cannot do this.


Copy of this year’s results was provided to governors, this should be correct and final copy.  If you see any problems contact Alan by December 31, 2002, after that it will be in concrete.


Insurance for NCCC went up 25%.  If you have a problem at an event contact Alan immediately and let K&K know also. 


Alan is requesting when hosting an event to please PRE-NUMBER your waiver sheets and use at the event.  This will help if someone says they signed a waiver and can easily tell if a sheet is missing.  Even if you pre-number and only use two of eight sheets send him all sheets.  Many of the regional governors thought this was enabling the entrant but they will try it.  If the entrant notices the sheets are not numbered they are to request the sheets be numbered.  Remember you cannot copy the waiver forms they must have the red ink on them.  Alan has tons of copies so just get a bunch from him.


Continuous foul language will not be accepted at events.  At the drivers meeting please be sure to mention this and any other special requirements.  Once in a while slips are tolerable.


All old white high speed license forms expired December 31, 2002.  If anyone in the club needs new license, let Alan know he will have to check the records for the last 3 years to verify if they qualify currently for the license.  Otherwise they will need to go out and re-qualify, they will need to do 10 low speeds over 3 weekends.


Alan will not issue high speed license at events, you will have to contact him before an event if you think you qualify.   


SCCA drivers must show proof that they did a high speed in last 3 years or 10 low speed events in last 3 years.


For poker rallys you cannot draw all cards ahead of time and then not do the driving rally.  This will be a DNF.


If you just look at the rulebook changes being proposed it can be confusing, you will need to look at current rulebook so it will make sense.  The rulebook is still being worked on not all changes set yet.


Regions holding sanction events in another regions area are requested to ask permission first.


Group I and Group IS cars have asked to do some customization and still be allowed to run in these groups.  This was voted down but is still being argued.


For the new rulebook it is being proposed that, on days where you are running multiple events, all runs for everyone in the first event must be finished before you start the second event.  


If you would like information on national points standings contact Alan.


Question was asked about the mileage form to be used for Concours cars in Wash & Show.  There is a copy of this in the rulebook, you must show 50 miles per week between events.


Alan will pick up a rule book at NCCC meeting for anyone who wants a new complete one.


Per NCCC it is not practical to place rulebook on National website.




The committee had a meeting after the East Ohio region meeting.  Nominations were closed December 7, 2002 they received 10 nominations this year.  A person must get 80% of vote to be inducted into Hall of Fame.  The committee will narrow the list down to 6 names.  The biography information will go out in the minutes on the final 6 selections.  The ballots must be post marked by February 7, 2003.


The committee is going to change the guidelines to state any names turned in this year, not selected for list and not inducted will automatically be held over for the next year.  Their names will not have to be turned in again the next year.  After that their name will drop off.  It will have to be submitted again later.




Bob Kirsch and Dave Maccarone will mail out flyers and registration form before 1st of year. 




50th anniversary brochures were handed out for events in Nashville.  The car show will have 250 cars and all will be NCCC.  The cost is $50.00 to apply you will get your money back if not selected.  The cars go into the lot on Thursday and cannot come out till Sunday..  You will need to send a picture along with application.  All dollars collected for the car show will go to National Kidney Foundation.  If the only transportation you bring is your Corvette you will not have to worry, there will be shuttles to transport you around.


Question was asked if the region had any plans to do something as a region going to Nashville, Chuck said there are no regional plans at this time.


You can get more information on the 50th anniversary by going to Corvette50th.com, also will get information on club challenge.


NCCC can no longer bond regional treasurer is not feasible.  No region in NCCC could meet the criteria.  Chuck is checking with his business insurer to see about getting treasurer bonded.


Mileage from NCCC going from 361/2 cents per mile to 36 cents per mile.


MBNA credit card program has not been to successful, you only need to use this card once after applying for it and NCCC get $30.00.  If you apply via phone or email be sure to use priority code THOW in order for NCCC to get the credit.


The 2003 budget was looked at and it looks like we will be spending more than taking in, this includes insurance increase and $11,000.00 for audit and rulebook printing.  Depending on cost of rulebook and few other things we may really break even.


New editor for Blue Bars magazine is Sylvia Hoaldridge.  Chuck will check with her and let other officers know when deadline for articles for next issue will be.  Scholarship deadline is May 1, 2003, forms are available from Distribution Center, Rose Schmidt.


Regional patches have been ordered they should be here by end of year and available at March meeting.  We will go back 2 years to give to members who joined if they renew in 2003.




Bob Thomsen gave presentation on timers being considered to buy for region.  Written information was handed out to governors, 520 is the model number we are considering.  It will come with infra-red beams, tripod, 6” digital display, cables, extra paper and software.  Bob ask that governors or club members go in on website and check it out.  Once we get it we can do a 30day trial and if we are not satisfied we can return it no cost.  Bob got referrals from 3 area groups using it, Porsche club, Cooper tire, Goodyear. 


If anyone would like to be on timer committee, or learn to use timers contact Chuck Heretta.  They would like input and volunteers by March 8, 2003 meeting so can purchase by April 8, 2003.  They would like to be able to use at first speed events. 


The region has money set aside to pay for these timers.


Question was asked is anything being done yet on membership video, Aurel answered membership decided not to start till after first of year, because are changing membership directors.


Website security was brought up again, nothing definite at this time.


Elaine Heretta proposed that in addition to timers the region get hand held radios also.  Some commented handheld were not good when chasing pylons, maybe should consider headsets instead.  Or get a handheld with headset capability.  Chuck appointed Elaine to investigate and bring back information.




Workers are needed at events to put on a quality event.  We need to come up with ideas so bring plans/ideas to March meeting.  SCCA tells you where you are going to work and you better be there at your appointed time.  Chuck commented we do not want to see clubs continually make money on events when they do not have enough workers to do their events.


Bob Kuty suggested workers in the region get 5 points instead of 3 per event plus their points earned at events.


Bring ideas and thoughts to March meeting.


Alan mentioned when doing a car show, when you send you flyers out try to state how long you expect a competitor to stay with their car.  Car must have at least one person with the car when being judged.




Rich brought up that his wife is a member of an organization that produces a calendar each year of picture of members and their pets, had the region ever considered a money maker of this type?  There was some discussion and governors thought it was worth pursuing.  Rich will get more information on prices. Bill Wood offered to work on this committee if we pursue.


Banquet bids for 2004 banquet will be due at March 8, meeting.  This meeting will start at 10AM at the Hilton Garden Inn, Cleveland.


Be sure to check your renewal packets closely.


Be sure to return your form to get new copy of by-laws when you get your renewal packet.


Reminder to have your sanctions into Alan by January 15, 2003.


Consider do we want to  move regional meetings around or keep all at Esber’s.


Door prizes are request for the regional banquet


Mickey commented that if you are going to place regional minutes in your minutes or newsletter to be sure and let reader know where these begin and end.  A comment was placed in a newsletter that looked like it was part of the regional minutes but wasn’t.


Also there will be a raffle ticket incentive program from NCCC this year, see separate sheet for guidelines.


Meeting adjourned at 2:30PM


                                                                                                                                Respectively submitted





                                                                                                                                Mickey Ouellette
