DECEMBER 1, 2001
The Regional meeting was called to order by RE Norb Huner,
at 11:00 AM at Esber’s, in Canton, Ohio.
The following clubs and officers were represented:
Alan Moore, RCD &Tiretown Corv. Aurel
Ouellette, Fun Center, Gov.& RMD.
Chuck Heretta, Buckeye Corvettes, RE, Gov. Mike Workman, Mound City, Gov
Bob Kuty, Mahoning Valley, Gov Bob Thomsen,
Corvette Cleveland, Gov
Clarence Brown, Medina Corv. Gov. DeVaughn
Rader, Pioneer Corv. Gov.
Norb Huner, CBCA, Gov. Bob Schneider, LakeShore. Gov.
Denny Murphy, Tiretown C.C., Gov. prxy. Bob Fultz, Competition C.C., Gov.
Bob Kirsch, Northeast Ohio Vette, EOCS, Gov. prxy Elaine Heretta, EOCS
Bill Wood, Kanawha Valley, Gov. Mark Thurin, Corvette Canton, Gov.
Larry Haught, CWVCC, Gov.
Meeting called to order by RE Norb Huner at 10AM, at Esbers in Canton, Ohio.
Since he was unable to attend the last meeting he turned gavel over to Chuck Heretta, incoming RE.
Bob Kuty made a motion to accept the secretary’s report as printed, seconded by Bob Fultz, motion carried.
Treasurer report was read, Bob Kuty made motion to accept, Clarence Brown seconded, motion carried.
Final results were handed out. The Overall club is North East Ohio Vette Club.
There were no proposed rules changes to discuss or vote on.
At this point Chuck had everyone in the room introduce themselves.
Pulling all the 2001 items off the website and started loading 2002 items.
Please let Bob know of any changes you may have of contacts for your club.
East Ohio membership reports were passed out. Please be sure and review your membership list and check for all members names to be on the list and that addresses are correct.
A petition for a 50th anniversary Corvette commemorative stamp from the U.S. post office was passed around for those who wanted to sign.
East Ohio ended the year with 1036 members.
North East Ohio Vette Club was the top club in the region with membership this year.
NCCC membership is 16,365.
Proposed changes for by-laws concerning membership type was discussed. They are considering deleting the word “principal operator and change “spouse” to “spouse/companion”. They want to delete “patron” member classification, they do not have any now and have never had any.
Committee members for 2002 at national: Finance Bob Bowen
Perks Karen Bryant, Larry McCarty
Nominations Dick Runyon, Ellouise Morrison
Duntov Sue McGee, Terry Brennen, Donna Snyder,
Aurel Ouellette
Contract bids are being accepted until December 31, 2001 for NCCC membership maintenance database for 2002.
Newly elected officers for next two (2) years:
VP-Competition - Jim Adrian
Sgt-of-Arms - Mary Bellamy
Business Manager - Dan Skinner
Secretary - Kathie Kochanowsky
It was discussed at the membership meeting that all NCCC and regional officers are bonded but not the regional treasurer. This is being looked into, and has been submitted to the board of RE’s.
There was a club that joined national council last year and received no recognition from national in 2001. A representative from the club was at the meeting and asked that all fees for 2002 be waived. The region was asked for their comments on this. The region decided if NCCC dropped the ball then the club fees should be waived. But if the regional membership director dropped the ball, the region was responsible.
The FCOA membership is at 1435.
See cover sheet for national meeting dates.
Sanction forms were handed out in packages. Fill in a section for each sanction event.
Proposed rules changes for new rule book also in package.
Tiretown is in 4th place in the nation.
There was one protest appeal and the protest was upheld. The guilty persons have been informed they have violated a national rule and if this happens again they face the possibility of expulsion.
Representatives from K&K insurance were at the meeting. In K&K eyes there is no reason why we cannot have a passenger in the car at High or Low speed events for training sessions. NCCC does not allow this.
K&K request we use original waiver forms only, do not make copies of them, these are the one with red ink.
Alan Moore will order a stack, so we have plenty as needed. Waivers need to be retained for seven (7) years. Alan would like to keep the originals from the region on all events, and have the clubs make copies to keep. Between sign here and duties, Alan is going to check to see if we can get room for NCCC number. Minor waivers must be kept till minor is twenty-one (21).
Any event listed in club newsletter is covered by insurance. K&K recommends advertising your events in club newsletter. This means all club newsletters should be kept seven (7) years. Electronically does NOT count.
Question was asked, if there is an accident at an event that involves a safety violation, is the insurance still in effect? YES, per K&K.
It was decided that at all events starting in January 2002, you will need to show your DRIVERS LICENSE AND NCCC CARD.
The regional winners of the BFG tire program for men was Denny Murphy and women Deb Murphy.
All sanctions are required seventy (70) days prior to event. Within the 70 day window, you can only change the location, prior to that you can change what you need to.
All flyers are due 50 days prior to events. Results are due to RCD 15 days after event, to the entrant by 30 days after the event.
One sanction event request per block. Results must have 1 form per event. Consolidated forms, i.e. from car shows cannot be sent to NCCC, it requires one form per event. However, a consolidated form can be sent to entrants, and if you do send this out, please send Alan Moore a copy. This would be helpful to him.
Question was asked about one region going into another region’s area on a major event day in competition against the other region. The RCD of the region that came into the other region was asked to do something about keeping this from happening again.
Some of the winners for the region are very close in points so Gail and Alan will be going over the points again just to double check. But as of now these are the standings.
Question was asked, was it true we should be having people sign waivers at club meeting, caravans etc. Yes, that is the understanding.
Be sure you use the long waiver forms the short forms are no longer valid.
Alan only needs the original copy of the competition waivers not the waivers from club meetings, etc. The big thing K&K is pushing is if a wheel turns then you should be signing a waiver.
Sanction event bids were done at this time.
Gifts were give to Esbers.
East Ohio Championship Series Bids were conducted next by Bob Kirsch. There was a problem in getting the fifth rally event, Pioneer Corvette Club gave up their Champ Series event to Mound City which enabled Tiretown to bid the fifth rally for Champ Series.
Reminder when an event is held on a Saturday of a regional meeting, registration for the event cannot start until 4:30.
Regional Executive: Chuck Heretta
All regional meetings start at 10:00 AM with the exception of December meeting which will start at 9:30.
Newsletter judges for NCCC in 2002 are: Jack Carkner, chairman, Debbie Bebe and Mark Shea. You have to June 1, 2002 to get them 5 issues. Rules will be in national minutes and in Blue Bars.
The finance committee representative from RE’s is Alan Morris, the by-laws committee representatives are Jerry Limpaugh, Larry Pagliano and Chuck Heretta.
As discussed earlier, must have a hardcopy of newsletter, to be covered by insurance. E-mail and computer copies do not count. Also as brought up earlier if a wheel turns should be signing a waiver.
RE’s voted to start meetings at 7:00PM on Friday nights.
Convention for 2003 will be in Hagerstown, Md. at the end of August.
K&K insurance is working with the Blue Bars editors and will be publishing the 10 most asked questions.
There were auditors at the NCCC meeting, they recommended that NCCC go to a Quik Pro books computer system. This is recommended for convention also. They also recommended that all grants and scholarship be handled through the charities committee. Patrick Dolan had a concern about this because if we have a situation as in the past with the selected charity we could lose all monies in account, not just what is slated for the charity. This will be reviewed.
The new treasurer, Jay Hommer, is handing out extremely long detailed report. They have asked he shorten them.
The current rebate program for credit cards stops December 31, 2001. MBNA is being looked at for the new one. If you get an application in the mail, directly from MBNA, please do not fill this out. Wait till you get the application in your renewal packet. NCCC will get $30.00 for every new card they get, the other way NCCC will only get $1.00. This should be a no fee card.
National sponsorship program has landed ZIP Products as a sponsor at the gold level. There is a 7.5% rebate to the charities program for every dollar spent.
There will be a card in your renewal packet from ZIP products, please be sure to fill in and send return even if you do not use product.
Charity Report: Mickey Ouellette
The raffle car will be coming from Cauley as in past years. The 5 for $25.00 green sheets will be available again this year.
Kidney Foundation was given $15,000.00 donation this year.
It was approved to go from $500.00 to $750.00 scholarship awards, starting in 2002. The Jeanne Kuty Scholarship is specifically for students going into the teaching profession. None of the rest of the scholarships are pointed in any specific career. These scholarships are for daughters, sons, NCCC members and spouses. Question was: did it include grandchildren, today the answer is NO.
Question about GPA being changed, was discussed, the application doesn’t say 3.5 it states top one third of class.
Presently there is enough money in the Jeanne Kuty, for about four scholarships. The Charity committee does not expect clubs and regions to sponsor a full scholarship.
Chuck Heretta said maybe the budget committee would want to discuss if in the future East Ohio would want to raise donation from $500.00 to $750.00.
Bob Kuty requested that if you use the green sheets, it would be of great help when you sent in your request to send five (5) mailing labels for him to put on tickets. Otherwise he has to manually fill out every ticket, please pass this on to your club members. This way he would only have to place the phone number on the ticket.
Chuck place in your packet a hotel form to reserve rooms for St. Louis in 2002. The first meeting in at the plaza, and the rest of the meetings are at the Chalet.
The 2002 convention dates are July 6 through 12, 2002 in Indianapolis. All information will be coming to you in your renewal packet. If you try and reserve the rooms yourself without going through convention registration it will only come back to you.
Banquet Committee: Corvette Cleveland is hosting the banquet at the Holiday Inn, in Elyria. The cost will be $62.00 a night, you must reserve by February 6, 2002 in order to get this rate. There will be three (3) dinner choices, chicken, $20.00, fish, $21.00 and beef, $25.00, a flyer is included with this mailing, with selections listed. Banquet reservation deadline is March 1, 2002. There will be a DJ/Karaoke entertainment.
Please bring door prizes and snacks if possible. The hospitality room will be open from noon till 2:30 AM. It will open after the banquet is over and we have to leave that room.
Rich Etzel will e-mail the application and information to Bob Kirsch, who will place on the website.
Hall of Fame: Bob Kuty
The have received five (5) applications so far. The committee will be getting together on December 15, 2001 to narrow down the selection.
They will also discuss the pin they would like to get and give to all members.
Bob Kuty made a motion to accept the Operating Procedures, seconded by Clarence Brown, motion carried.
Central Buckeye Corvette Association is disbanding as of the end of this year. They will be donating approximately $9840.00 to various charities. Bob Kuty suggested that Norb keep track of donations and let Patrick Dolan know. Also it was suggested to do a Blue Bars article.
Chuck made appointments to various committees at this point. He re-appointed Mickey Ouellette to secretary/treasurer.
Appointed to banquet and budget committee is Mickey Ouellette, Chair, Bob Thomsen, Bill Quine and Bob Schneider. Will try to have something ready by March meeting no later than May meeting.
Bob Kirsch re-appointed to Webmaster.
Appointed to Hall of Fame committee were Bob Kuty, Al Etzel, Bill Quine and Don Veselenak, Mark Thurin was asked to sit on the committee and accepted.
Bob Kuty made a motion to accept all the above appoints, seconded by DeVaughn Rader, motion carried.
If you are interested in doing a banquet bid for 2003 contact Mickey for guidelines. Please send any bids to her by January 10, 2002 and she will mail all copies to governors. This will enable us to vote on at the March meeting.
Bill Wood was contacted by Mountaineer Gaming and Sports and they are interested in hosting some type of Corvette event.
At the last meeting Deb Murphy brought up about the caravan in 2003 may come close to our area and we may want to consider doing something for them
Jane Lundblad suggested that after the March meeting that a mini workshop be held on how to fill out results sheets. Gail and Alan were receptive to this and will set it up.
For next years convention the Perk Pacs and Blue Bars will have convention registration forms. The hotel reservations must be made with convention registration.
Tiretown will be having a driving school on April 27, 2002. Volunteers are welcome also. Flyers will be available in March at banquet meeting.
Chuck brought up that he would like to see East Ohio Region attendance at meeting be like it is today. You can get a different interpretation reading minutes than from attending the meetings and getting it first hand.
Chuck is also asking you try to attend some NCCC meetings. East Ohio has always been prominent in attendance at these meetings and participation. He is asking that you try to attend these meetings, or at least one.
Meeting adjourned at 2:45 PM.
Respectively submitted
Mickey Ouellette