December 2, 2000



The Regional meeting was called to order by RE Norb Huner, at 10:10 AM at Esber’s in Canton, Ohio.
The following clubs and officers were represented:


Aurel Ouellette, Fun Center, RMD, Gov.

Norb Huner, CBCA, RE, Gov.

Alan Moore, Tiretown Corv., RCD, Gov. 

Chuck Heretta, Buckeye Corvettes, Gov.

Bob Kirsch, NEOVC, Gov.

Bob Fultz, Competition Corv, Gov

Ed Swaneck, Capitol City, Gov.

B ob Kuty, Mahoning Valley, Gov.

Clarence Brown, Medina, , Gov. 

Al Etzel, Corvette Cleve, Gov,

Elaine Heretta, E.O.C.S. director

DeVaughn Rader , Pioneer Corv. Asso. Gov

William Wood, Kanawha Valley, Gov. 

Mike Workman, Mound City, Gov.

Bill Miller, CWVCC, Gov.  

Dan Lundblad, Blennerhassett, Gov.

Mark Thurin, Corv. Canton, Gov. 

Bea Webb, LakeShore, Gov.


Motion was made by Gary Kosier to accept minutes as printed, seconded by Elaine Heretta, motion was carried.


Chuck Heretta asked if the competition dollars for awards had been spent or if the report reflected dollars to be spent. 

The report reflects dollars to be spent yet for competition awards, probably will be spent in January and February 2001.


Al Etzel made a motion to accept treasurer’s report, seconded by Chuck Heretta motion carried. 




East Ohio membership as of December meeting was 978, but more new members were turned in on this day, he will have to re-calculate.


Pioneer increased their membership by 100% this year.


Top clubs in region with 100 or more members are Tiretown (111), Competition (105), LakeShore (100).


Aurel noted that spouse memberships are less than 30% of total, spouse members only cost $10.00.


NCCC meeting on November 17, 2000, reported 16,017 members for the year.  Out of 16 regions East Ohio is 7th nationally.


One of the things requested at the national meeting by Alan Morris, the West Coast RE, was for funding to travel to Northwest region and see if he can sign up new clubs. 


Aurel has entry forms for an award presentation from Eagle One and Valvoline.  It is called the “Golden Rule” they will select two clubs from four regions in the nation.  This is partially based on community involvement. Any questions check with Aurel.


The FCOA has 1205 members, East Ohio has 88 of these members and 22 are in Tiretown Corvette Club.  Bill Quine says he will add one more in April.  The cost is only $5.00 one time fee for membership until they are 16.


Newly elected officers for 2001-2002 are:               

President - Dick Yanko,

VP Membership – Paul Bohannon

Treasurer – Jay Hommer

Public Relations – Laurie (Tex) Schwab

Parliamentarian – Roger Thomas.


See Cover sheet for meeting dates and places.


Aurel has room reservations for those planning to attend.  There are two different hotels involved but they are in the same complex.  Aurel has found some reasonable flights out of Columbus, Cleveland is a little more expensive.


Aurel threw out an idea to be discussed later for a mini East Ohio convention. We have almost 1000 members in the region, approximately 200 that compete in sanction program.   Aurel would like to see how do we get the other 700  people involved what are some of the things we can do?  We could possibility pick a place in Ohio, like Cedar Point, Kings Island, or any number of other places. Take this idea back to club members and see what their feedback is.  Clarence asked how would this be funded?  Aurel said he would expect members attending to pay, if there was a bus tour etc, they would pay.  Clarence wanted to know if the region would kick in dollars to get something like this started.  Aurel said the governors would have to decide this. Bea Webb said even though they had a bad experience at Cedar Point the Radisson and Cedar Point are owned by someone else now and they would like to discuss the Corvette Club coming back.  But she said it would take more than one club to work with this. Also it may be a good idea if we go with this to move it around the region each year. 




Elaine handed out final results and then went over them.  Flyers and results were not received in a timely manner, she will fine each time this happens.


Some top clubs were: Corvette Cleveland number one in club overall, NEOVC in Concours with a record 908 points, Corvette Cleveland for rally and Tiretown for speed. 


Norb complimented Elaine on this being the easiest set of champ series results to read and follow.




Alan has national points standing as of a couple of weeks, first place was Cornhuskers.


Regional points are in your governors packet, look them over and see if any corrections need made.  They will be published as final versions on December 31, 2000 so all corrections must be in by then.


If you are going to give travel points that are other than the host city’s home it must be stated on the results.  This will explain to National Council why it is being done.


At the last governor’s meeting there were five (5) clarifications.


1.                    Can the front tire, 245x17, from a standard C5 be used with a rear tire 295x18 from a Z06?  Answer yes, because the rule says tire has to be correct for class and axle, axle being front or rear axle. 


2.                    Do all clubs in region have to follow the rulebook or can they have their own supplemental rules?  Yes and No, yes they have to follow the rulebook, but they can have their own supplemental rules if do not violate the NCCC rulebook.


3.                    Can you use the black “96” Gran Sport calipers on all IGS and IG cars?  No, the caliper has to be correct for  year and option.


4.                    Can one award cover more than one event for a day or weekend series of events?  Yes, you can give out one award for a weekend.  BUT it was also brought out that there were new people running and it would be nice to keep the new people in mind.  All clubs are being asked that at the end of the day to go over the winners and have a recognition of the winners even if not giving out trophies.


5.                    At what point does an entry become a reduce fee entry in lieu of award?  If the price you are charging is to be a reduced fee without awards it must be stated on the flyer when sent out.  Or you have to give a cheaper price at the event then what was listed on the flyer.  In other words if you put out a flyer that says $5.00 an event and do not say it is a reduced fee, you will have to give out an award.  If flyer says $10.00 and person gets to the event and you offer $5.00 without an award  this is a reduced fee.  But if person gets to event and has to pay price on flyer and does not say anything about an award club will have to give out an award.  You can put on the flyer points only and have a price and/or points and trophy another price.


REMINDER:  As of January 1, 2001 everyone will need a Snell “95” or newer helmet to compete.  Janice Sudia’s cousin may be able to get a discount from Simpson, contact her if interested.  Also in membership packets to be mailed out there is to be some type of discount for Bell helmets.


In the packets Alan handed out are all of the clarifications that were acted on this year.  There is a regional points finish, and worker points information.  There is also a questionnaire in this packet, concerning trophies.  As governors he is asking that you get copies of this to all competitors so he can get an idea of what people want to see for awards.  Please get these out to your club members and then get them returned to Alan. 


Also in the packet is the sanction request form, it is a two sheeter, the first sheet is for events 1, 2, 3, 4 and the second sheet is for events 5, 6, 7. One sanction needs to go in each blank. These need to be turned back into Alan by January 15, 2001.  


Alan is checking on a trophy proposal, he is looking at buying in bulk, he needs to get back to people and let them know what quantities he is looking at.  He is looking at 4X6 or 5X7 that would be blank, he would then buy the middle sticker stating place, and an emblem of the region.  He stated these would be well below $5.00 and he would provide at a nominal fee to the clubs that wanted them.  The clubs would only have to come up with their logo.  There were about six clubs interested in participating.  He will check into this further, and he will ask the region to pay the up front cost. Bea Webb made a suggestion that he get a commitment from the clubs that are interested on how many they would need, before he orders any. Norb asked did he have any idea on what quantities were needed to qualify for a lowered price.  Alan does not have this information at this time. 


Elaine Heretta asked about worker awards, if you qualify for a club 200 do you also get a worker award.  YES, as a worker, you must work fifteen (15) events in the region. 


Alan brought up the subject of MAL’s and asked for comments and input, people have mentioned to him that several come out and compete regularly and win region awards.  He says these people do not contribute anything financially to the region, they don’t necessarily put on any events or help as a worker. He was asked why we couldn’t do something to help out some?  Comment was made “charge them”, another comment was made basically  we are charging them when they enter the event, be it from West Ohio, Indiana or Michigan or this region? Suggestion figure out what it cost region to get an award for MAL and raise MAL fee proportionately.  Comment they either join a club or pay the extra fee.  Norb brought up that if an idea that was brought up for budget goes through that there be an additional dollar or dollar and a half per person in the region for dues, the awards would pay for themselves. Norb said he for one would not want to do anything to discourage anyone from entering any of our events.  Diana Fultz agreed with this.  She has talked to some MAL’s and they are leaning toward joining a club and we do not want to discourage them at this point.  Chuck said first of all the $1.50 was per event per person, not  a membership fee,   second Chuck pointed out if look at MAL list, fifty percent were in a club at one time and left for a specific reason.  He commented these people rarely help.  Gail Moore asked for a clarification on the $1.00 to $1.50, was it per person per club for dues, because she thought it was per person per event?  Norb and Bill Quine said it was $2.00 per person per club.  It was not accepted by clubs because they felt they needed to get by-laws changes done first.  There was more discussion,  Norb said we need to get back to original question of, do we treat MAL’s entering an event any differently then we treat club members from in or out of region?  Or even an non-NCCC member or metal cars that come in??   Yes, there are times when a MAL comes to an event and doesn’t help, BUT did anyone ask them??  Aurel commented there are thirty MAL’s in region and about five come out and compete, he did not understand why we want to penalize those people for coming out and competing because they do not belong to a local club. (Comment made: “Cause there beatin’ us damn-it”, much laughter. “then you need to run harder” comment). You have an MAL running in second place and NCCC will give trophy money back for this.  Clarence said you could put on a flyer club member, non-club member fee, also just ask them to help.  People made comments that MAL’s have helped at their events.  Decided at this point to move on.


Alan said he has $1235.00 for awards and would like $250.00 more.  Bob Fultz made a motion to transfer $250.00 to the competition fund, Gary Kosier seconded motion, motion passed. 


Alan said need to pursue the funding of awards, need to get more money, to get quality awards.


On the questionnaire Alan handed out on the bottom of the first page, last one should be high speed not low speed again.




All four by-laws issued on the NCCC ballot passed, they were :


1. Process to break ties

2. Add a Webmaster

3. Add a teller committee

4. Change by-laws to eliminate additional reading of by-laws changes.


There are some national appointed offices that are open, they are Webmaster, Blue Bars editor and Data processing, which includes handling membership.  Contact Dick Yanko if you are interested in any of these positions.


A standing rules change had been proposed at the last NCCC meeting in September and tabled till November meeting.  This was a proposal  for NCCC to pay for the registration packages of elected and appointed offices, this to include banquet and seven nights stay.  These costs had previously charged against the convention.  This change passed.  Per Gail Moore not all hotels are giving comp’d rooms as often, but in the case where rooms are comp'd NCCC will save this much money.


Convention for 2001 is in Bowling Green, June 23-29, for 2002 will be Indianapolis July 6-12.


Larry Narwald needs a list of key events to get listed into various magazines, prefer events of over fifty cars.


Eagle One, Valvoline award for outstanding club, these awards are in the form of merchandise.  There are clubs in our region that have done some outstanding things throughout the year and he feels this could be good for the club and the region


If you would like information on other car clubs or the Corvette, there is a Chevrolet car club information number, 1-877-406-3720.  The previous number given for this is in-correct.


NCCC scholarship applications must be in to Rose Schmidt by May 1, 2001. 


The newsletter contest judges for 2001 are: Hal Bellamy, Steve Schwab and Jack Carkner.


Meeting dates set for East Ohio region for 2001:           March 10, 2001                  Aurora (banquet)

                                                                                                May 12, 2001                      Esbers/Canton

                                                                                                July 28, 2001                       Esbers/Canton

                                                                                                September 29, 2001           Esbers/Canton

                                                                                                December 1, 2001              Esbers/Canton


At the special meeting in November, Chuck Heretta had suggested that for 2001 we start the East Ohio meeting earlier.  We seem to get to the end and not get important stuff discussed. He suggested a 10AM time.  Motion was made by DeVaughn Rader to change regular meeting times to 10AM for 2001, exception of December meeting and it would start at 9:30.  Seconded by Chuck Heretta, motion passed. 


Proxy forms were handed out to everyone at meeting, they can be either notarized or witnessed by another member of your club.  On proxy form where it says delegation of proxy to, leave that blank, Norb will fill it in later as needed.


Committee Reports:


Hall of Fame:           Dick Downs has requested that he be removed as a member of the Hall of  Fame committee.  Norb requested volunteers for the Hall of Fame committee.  Bob Kuty volunteered , (stipulating as long as he wasn’t the only one on it)  Al Etzel volunteered and Bill Quine volunteered.  Don Veselenak will be asked if he will remain on the committee.  These people were appointed by Norb and approved by the board of governors. 


Charity:    No report


Banquet:                Bob Fultz had flyer to hand out, it has an 800 number on it to make reservations at the hotel.  He will e-mail out the menu and get suggestions as to what ideas people want.  There will be two entrees on the menu.  The DJ has been hired.  The cost per person for attending banquet is $29.00, and the hotel is $54.00 a night plus tax.


Those attending are asked to please bring snacks for the hospitality room.


Outlet Mall is open and real close, almost walking distance.




Norb appointed a budget committee, he asked that this committee try to have something to vote on at he March meeting and if that was not possible, very definitely at the May meeting.  This will allow time for clubs to make by-laws changes if necessary.  He asked for volunteers, Bill Quine asked if he could remain on the committee, Mickey reminded Norb that the new by-laws also called for at least 2 governors to be on the committee.  Chuck Heretta volunteered and Bob Thomsen volunteered.  Bill Quine was told he was welcome to attend and give input also.  Clarence Brown made a motion to accept the budget committee, seconded by Al Etzel, motion carried. 


Norb also needed to appoint a Webmaster, Bob Kirsch had let Norb know he was interested in the position.  Bob Fultz said their club webmaster was interested in the position.  Bob Fultz said the problem he was having with the East Ohio site was the information was outdated, Bob Kirsch said he needed to have the information given to him in a more timely manner.  He is unable to put stuff out he doesn’t have.  Bob Kirsch had just been given a diskette that morning of updated points in the region, but Bob Fultz has had it given to him the beginning of November.  Norb appointed Bob Kirsch as Webmaster for 2001, Mark Thurin seconded, appointment carried.




Question was asked about banquet bids for 2002.  The banquet bids should be presented for voting on at the March meeting.  If there is a club or group of clubs interested in bidding on the banquet for 2002 you should get your bids into Mickey by January 15, 2001.  This way it can be voted on at the March meeting and the clubs can proceed.


Lunch break then the competition sanction bids and East Ohio Champ series bids were presented.


Gifts were presented to Esber’s


Norma Stenger fell and broke her hip she was to have surgery the Sunday following the meeting.  Bill McClosky of Competition, also has had surgery.  These two address can be found on the East Ohio web site.  Jon Baer is still not doing well and he does like to hear from everyone. Part of his problem now is his white blood count and they will be removing his spleen sometime before Christmas. You can send him a note at 3266 Green Tree Circle, Medina, Oh 44256.


Any club who would like to hold their event at Firestone needs to contact Bill Bray (330.733.8904), the parking lot is not available the first Sunday of each month.  If possible let him know by the middle of January. 


On Champ series events Aurel made a motion to change events from three week apart recommendation to one week, seconded by Bill Wood, motion carried.  Bill Wood made a motion to change to eliminate Sunday only rally and go to Saturday, seconded by Bob Fultz, motion carried.  There will only be four rallies for Champ Series for 2001.


You have till January 15, 2001 to get any further sanction request in the Competition Director.


Mickey brought up that the budget and by-laws voted on changed numerous things in the Operating Procedures, therefore she asked for a motion to eliminate the silver awards as the procedures called for, and give out awards as in past.  Bob Fultz made a motion to dispense with silver awards, seconded by  Bea Webb,  motion carried.


Meeting adjourned at 2:30PM.


                                                                                                                                Respectively submitted





                                                                                                                                Mickey Ouellette
