August 12, 2000



The Regional meeting was called to order by RE Norb Huner, at 11:27 AM at Esber’s in Canton, Ohio.

The following clubs and officers were represented:

Norb Huner, Central Buckeye, RE                                                     Bob Kuty, Mahoning Valley, Gov.

Emerson Royer,Corv. Canton, Prxy, Gov.                                        Jeffrey Schaffner, CBCA, Gov.

Bob Kirsch, NEOVC, Gov.                                                                  Bill Miller, CWVCC, prxy Gov.

Al Etzel, Corv. Cleveland, Gov.                                                          Clarence Brown, Medina, Gov.

Chuck Heretta, Buckeye, Gov.                                                           Bob Fultz, CCA, Gov.

Alan Moore, TTCC, RCD, Gov.                                                         Aurel Ouellette, Fun Center, RMD, Gov.

Elaine Heretta, EOCS, Dir.                                  



Motion was made by Al Etzel to accept minutes as printed, seconded by Bob Kuty, motion was carried.


The treasurer’s report was read. Motion to accept by Chuck Heretta, seconded by Bob Kuty.  Treasurer’s report approved.




NCCC membership as of July 8, 2000 meeting was 15,013, their goal is 16,000 by year-end.  This will take a major effort on all clubs.


The 2001 membership packets will be mailed out first class.


East Ohio membership as of meeting Aug. 12, 2000 is 931, goal by year-end is 1000.  Most of the region clubs have done very well increasing their membership.  Top clubs in region Tiretown has 108 members, NEOVC 98, Competition Corv. Asso. 94. 


There is a good chance we will get Corvette Club of West Virginia back in the region, Kent Pascoli is working on getting six members so the club can re-new this year and not have to go under new membership qualifications.


Aurel re-iterated that if we get 1000 members by year-end he will donate $150.00 to the regional banquet, he will donate $1.00 for each person over last years  figure of 901.


Membership is FCOA is 1148, East Ohio has 87 members in FCOA placing them sixth in the nation.  If you have children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, etc under 16 years of age please consider signing them up.  It has a one-time fee of $5.00.  One of the questions that came up at the NCCC meeting was how many past FCOA members have become NCCC members?  There is not a list available, one of the problems is clubs are not accepting sixteen year olds.  Comment was made getting these people should be a major objective, some of the problems with this are, many of the FCOA members parents are not NCCC members.  Grandparents are buying the membership and the parents do not own a Corvette.  This is true of nieces and nephews also.


When an NCCC member changes their address they need to inform FCOA separately, the FCOA addresses are not given out on mailing list.  They are not a part of the NCCC address list; it is being investigated if this can be placed on the website.



NCCC officers up for re-election this year and some of the people who have submitted their names:      

                President:                                              Dick Yanko

                VP Membership                                    Ron Scott

                Treasurer                                               Jay Hommer

                Public Relations                                   Dave Heineman, Laurie Schwab

                Parliamentarian                                     none yet, Jack Carkner possibility


Job descriptions and nomination forms are available from Aurel Ouellette if you are interested contact him.


REMINDER:         1.             Spouse members and primary members must show the same address.   



2.                    Date of NCCC membership for new members is the date the RMD receives the application and attached club check made out to NCCC.


New procedure of issuing temporary membership to new members seems to be working.  Aurel send out letter welcoming to region, this has temporary form on bottom with East Ohio region membership number and his signature.  He also mails them a patch.  The mailing is done within five days of receipt of the application and money.


Question was asked about automatic renewals?  Automatic renewal starts September 1, 2000, starting with August meeting Aurel will hold new members coming in till September 1, 2000, because  these members will automatically renew for next year without paying again.  Any clubs can hold from now to September 1, also before mailing in.  If you want Aurel to process before September 1, you will have to let him know.




Elaine handed out results, but on Saturday she received another set and read results with that event included.  The enclosed results for clubs not present do not include these changes.


She reminded everyone that any changes to the East Ohio Champ Series rules need to be presented by the October meeting.  Either bring them to the meeting or get them to Elaine before the meeting.




Passed out hand out with up to date points.  He has copies of National event summary, if you would like a copy let him know.  He has flyers from other areas of country also.


Tiretown is presently sixth in the nation.  428 people are listed on national point’s sheet and 77 are from East Ohio.


East Ohio standings of the meeting date were totally up to date.


Alan said several comments he heard at convention, people thought Roger Mitchell did not want to be contacted directly.  What Roger wants is that if you need to e-mail him, in the subject/header line indicate National Council.  This is because he got a virus earlier this year that totally wiped out his computer.  All NCCC officers have asked you put NCCC in header.


There was a problem at an event with a late entrant.  The club involved, once registration was closed, did not want to have any other entries, which is not a problem per the rulebook.  The problem came in when someone, not a chairperson of event told a national council member he could get his car and enter second event.  When he returned he was told others had been turned away so they were not going to let him enter.  The person went to Alan for help, the person became belligerent.  At this point Alan said he would not help him out. 


National position is once registration closes, that’s it, no more entrants.  No provisions for accidents, traffic etc.  Region can set guidelines for entering second, third, etc. events.  But you cannot make a club go by guidelines if they chose to not let anyone else enter after registration is closed; they are perfectly within their rights.  Bob Fultz made a comment he thought guidelines were totally necessary.  Chuck Heretta said you have habitual latecomers which causes problems with people running event, tech people etc.  Numerous other comments followed, including keeping membership.  No final decision was made, just said leave it up to clubs.


Another problem that happened recently was a person entered a class at an event, they were in the wrong class.  It was not caught till the event ended, the person was not told their class was being changed.  It was discussed at the RCD meeting, once the events are done and you do not tell the person, that’s too bad, even if not legal for class they are in they cannot be disqualified.  One reason given was after event over there is no way to determine if can really be disqualified. 


Be sure to keep your waivers, K&K is looking into a case now where someone is fileing for burns to a child that happened about a year ago.  It seems the car was not even a Corvette plus was not entered in the event, they had just stopped to see.  The child burned his leg on the side pipes of this car.  


Another thing the RCD’s had to discuss was throwing a regional officer out of office.  The Mid-West RCD has been replaced, Dale Samuelson is the new RCD.  Contact Alan Moore if you need address and phone number.


The RCD’s discussed the new 2001, Z06, they are trying to keep from creating a new class each time a new car comes out.  Talked about placing in “F” class with ZR1.  They ended up putting it in “H” class.  This will probably be discussed more later.


Alan is getting a proposal from John Taube for a re-classification to Super Car, will get more on this later.  It cannot be placed in Exhibition because Exhibition cannot run high speed.


Results are terrible this year, Alan let Gail talk on this because she loads the points in computer.  She handed back examples to clubs with the types of errors they had on them.


A letter was received from a MAL by Alan saying they were not getting flyers and schedules.  He is going to send letter to MAL’s this year stating if they want information they will need to pay $20.00 or $25.00.  Norb noted every MAL gets a copy of Blue Bars and the schedule is in there.  Also CCA has them listed on their website. (compvette.com)


Alan brought up he wanted to raise sanction fees for next year, Mickey asked that he not bring this up till the budget committee bring up their budget and let the governors see and discuss it.  Al Etzel asked what increase in fee he was considering.  Alan said he was going to leave it up to the governors.


Alan has out of region events for those who want them.


Bob Fultz said he has a problem with trophies not being handed out, and being replaced with certificates.  He says new people would like a trophy.


Bob Fultz asked if a $5.00 fee could be charged for events, comment was made could not regulate club prices.  Chuck said they are following the rulebook, about only recourse is to not go to the event.


Alan has rulebook covers, with dividers in it, $10.00 each.  He has not been able to get copies of rulebooks yet.  If you need an additional rulebook can go into NCCC website: corvettenccc.org for number to call to buy a rulebook.




There will be some by-laws changes mostly minor. A procedure is being put together for a tie-breaker in elections.  Another procedure is for counting ballots, they are looking at three regional executive, three regional membership directors and three governors attending the meeting.


There is a rumor going around the some clubs are going to drop out of NCCC because they see no benefit in belonging.  The RE’s are soliciting input from regions, clubs and individuals of how they have helped or been helped by an NCCC club or member.  The positive needs to be focused on, they would like to have examples by the September 16, 2000 meeting.


The RE’s and the RMD’s are going to work together to sell the benefits of NCCC membership.


Norb needs additional proxies from the following clubs: Blennerhassett, LakeShore, NEOVC, and Competition Corvette Club.


The Indiana region is going to bid for the 2002 convention.


Committee Reports:


Charity: Bob Kuty reported: Pioneer Corvette Club had 300% donation in raffle tickets for National Kidney Foundation recognition.  At least six clubs in East Ohio were 100% clubs.  East Ohio was also number one in green sheet returns.


There was about $800.00 raised by the car show at convention in Michigan. 


Mickey needs crafts for the charity craft booth.


The raffle car was won by a gentlemen in Colorado, he took the money instead of the car.


There were about 425 people at the Convention, the parties and tours were great.



Hall of Fame:         Norb asked Mickey for the record who was on the Hall of Fame Committee, Mickey said she thought it was Dick Downs, Don Veselenak, and Bob Schluneker.  Dick Downs agreed with this.  Bill Quine asked what did the region think about existing Hall of Fame members voting for new Hall of Fame members instead of the governors.  Explanation given was the older members will remember some who are being nominated and are not as active.  Norb brought up the opposite could also be  said about Hall of Fame members not active therefore not voting for the newer members.   Elaine Heretta suggested it be both governors and Hall of Fame members.  Chuck also suggested a compromise, similar to Football Hall of Fame.  Dick Downs said there is a time limit to this in getting the information out to these members and getting it back.  Aurel Ouellette suggested a letter be sent to the current Hall of Fame members to see if they want to vote on this.  Norb asked Dick to take the various suggestions back to the Hall of Fame committee and bring ideas back that are equitable and responsive.


Budget Committee:              Mickey explained that the budget committee had met and come up with a proposal for 2001.  It was explained some revisions would be looked at again and if approved by committee will be attached to these minutes.  Governors are asked to look at and discuss with clubs, bring concerns and ideas.  May not be able to vote on at October meeting because Operating Procedures need to be voted on first.  Bill Quine asked that the governors really take a good look at this budget, any questions ask any of the committee members ahead of time so we can prepare information that may be needed.  The committee members are:                Mickey Ouellette, Bill Quine, Norb Huner, Dick Downs.



By-Laws Committee:            The committee read by-laws from other clubs and regions, Norb typed up By-Laws and Operating Procedures separate and handed them out to governors there.  (attached for those not there)  Please read your by-laws and procedures and be prepared to discuss at October meeting.  The by-laws should be allowed to be changed at one meeting a year.  Standing rules are loose and incomplete and need worked on.  By-laws are generic and not detailed, Standing rules say how we do things.


Banquet 2001 committee:    Hotel was given a deposit, the date March 10, 2000 is reserved.  We need minimum of 20 rooms reserved to get the meeting room free.   Bob asked for an agenda so he could be getting paperwork together.







Nominations of officers for 2001.      Dick Downs nominated the existing board, Bill Quine seconded.


Norb asked if there were any other nominations for any of the offices.


Gail Moore asked that someone verbalize procedure if someone else does want to run.  Mickey read the procedure;  “Nominations from the floor will be open for each office at the Regional meeting prior to the meeting set for the election of officers.  Nominations will close fifteen (15) days prior to the election.  Withdrawals will be accepted by the Secretary no less than thirty (30) days preceding the election.  The Secretary shall immediately notify each club governor of any withdrawals or additional nominations.”


Norb asked about the Secretary/Treasurer position should it be an elected position or an appointed one as it is today?  He is asking for input.  Alan Moore brought up position of a points person that some of the other regions have.  Norb asked if go with this, should this be someone elected or appointed by RCD?  Bill Quine asked if the by-laws pass with the secretary as an elected position do it then constitute another officer to be paid for attending NCCC governors meeting.  NO this is not one of the NCCC mandated offices.  


Chuck brought up that the current board had not accepted the nomination, Norb asked Alan Moore, Elaine Heretta, Aurel Ouellette separately if they would accept, each accepted and so did he.


Chuck nominated Bob Kuty for position of Regional Executive, Bob declined.


Withdrawals of a candidate running for office will be accepted until September 7, 2000, nominations for EOR office will be accepted until September 22, 2000.


Meeting adjourned at 1:45PM


                                                                                                                                                Respectively submitted




                                                                                                                                                Mickey Ouellette
